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Welcome to the

Braxbess Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

Consultation Website​

Welcome to the public consultation website for the proposed development south of Barns Ness Terrace, Innerwick, East Lothian, EH42 1SE. 


It is proposed to construct and operate a Battery Energy Storage System and associated infrastructure on this site. It is proposed that this BESS will connect into the planned Branxton Substation. Further details are provided in the following sections. 


The Braxbess development shall be led by EHD who manage over 4GW of renewable energy projects and work alongside a variety of organisations and funders.


The second public consultation exhibition will be held on 16th November 2023 at Innerwick Village Hall, Main Street, Innerwick, Dunbar, EH42 1SE. Members of the project team with Pegasus Group, the planning consultants, will be there to listen to your thoughts and any questions you may have.  Comments for the second round of public consultation are gratefully received by 30th November 2023. The information provided at the upcoming second public consultation exhibition will also be provided on this consultation website. 

Following this second round of public consultation, and closing of the consultation period, the application will be submitted to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU). Once the application is submitted to ECU, all formal application material will be publicly available to view on their website. This consultation website will also be updated to include links to the submission.

Why This Site?

The Scottish Government has set a target within The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019, to achieve net-zero emissions by 2045, with an initial target of being able to achieve this for short periods by 2025. 


Battery storage technology is becoming increasingly important in ensuring we reach net-zero, so that energy can be stored when it is not required, and then used when it is and to provide power quality services as traditional generation is phased down.


Policy PROP EGT3: Forth Coast Area of Co-ordinated Action supports the principle of electricity grid connections on the Forth coast from Cockenzie to Torness in order to facilitate off-shore energy generation, provided certain criteria are met. An Eastern Link Project is proposed by others and will unlock the rich renewable energy capacity of Scotland and support the drive toward our Net Zero targets in Scotland and across the rest of the UK and run from Torness in East Lothian, Scotland to Hawthorn Pit, County Durham, England. This proposal for battery storage is proposed to link into this.


The proposed site meets the criteria of Policy PROP EGT3 and as such, is considered to be suitable for battery energy storage use.   


The BESS is proposed to connect to the nearby SPT planned Branxton Substation, currently under consideration under ref. 23/00616/PM. This substation is at a point in the network where renewable generation, including battery storage, can provide this power quality and resilience. Locating the BESS nearby to the Branxton Substation ensures a cost effective and viable connection at this important node of the network.


The proposed battery storage energy facility would provide a significant contribution to the energy storage targets in the timescales necessary to contribute to Scotland’s progress in meeting its renewable energy targets. It would also provide rapid-response electrical backup, providing a flexible system to balance energy supply and demand.

Latest Plan

Latest Plan 08.11.23.jpg

Relevant Planning History


In terms of the wider context, we are aware of other planning proposals submitted by others in relation to other battery schemes and major grid infrastructure. Our proposals shall consider the cumulative effect of these proposals. Further details about these applications are as follows. Please let us know if there are any other applications you think we should be aware of and take into account.


  • Application for a 400kV substation and associated works submitted to East Lothian Council (ELC) under ref. 21/01569/PM and subsequently withdrawn. These proposals were then submitted under a revised application subsequently submitted to ELC under ref. 23/00616/PM and validated on 11th September 2023 and is currently under consideration. This proposed substation is required to support and operate the wider Eastern Link 1 project which comprises a new subsea High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) link between Torness in East Lothian, Scotland and Hawthorn Pit in County Durham, England. A separate application for the proposed cables and converter station (application reference 22/00852/PPM) was recently granted planning permission in principle by ELC.


  • Application for planning permission in principle for electricity transmission infrastructure (including substation or converter station, cable bridge and curried cable) and associated development, as part of the offshore Berwick Bank Wind Farm ref. 23/00162/PPM currently under consideration by ELC. 


  • An application for an eastern link 400kV overhead line diversion submitted to ECU under ref. ECU00003419 and is currently under consideration. 


  • Application for onshore electricity transmission infrastructure submitted to ECU under ref. ECU0004659 and is currently under consideration. The electricity export capacity of the development is yet to be confirmed, but is expected to exceed 50 MW. The site is located approximately 3.5km from the site this public consultation relates to. 


The BESS is proposed to connect to the nearby SPT planned Branxton substation. A planning application for this substation has been submitted to East Lothian Council and is currently under consideration under ref. 23/00616/PM. The proposed site is in close proximity to this substation, which is a nationally significant proposal. Proximity to a substation is important, given the manner in which energy is transferred, short connection routes are highly desirable, ensuring efficiency and speed of transmission when required. The proposal for battery storage at this location will provide further benefits in the form of energy storage as part of the Eastern Link Project.

The Site

Site Analysis

The following works will be undertaken to support any future planning application on this site, and inform the final design of the scheme:

Flood Risk and Drainage

The site is identified as having no specific risk of flooding as per the Scottish Environment Protection Agency Flood Hazard and Flood Risk Information. As such, it is envisaged that the proposals will not increase the risk of flooding on site or in the local area.

Site Analysis

What is Proposed?

The proposal consists of the construction and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), transformers, substations and associated infrastructure. The main component of the proposal will be 400 battery storage units arranged in rows which will be surrounded by a perimeter fence, and other landscape features (such as trees and hedges) to ensure they are less obtrusive.


The applicants have grid agreement of up to 650 MW. This figure will be refined as part of the consultation process and comments received as part of this second round of consultation will influence any future application.


A cable route will be subject to further consideration by SPT and will be subject to a separate application.


Access to the site will be taken from the north east of the site from Barns Ness Terrace. Including the site access, the site is approximately 19.4 ha in size.


The site is to be decommissioned after 40 years when it is no longer operational and restored to its former status.


The associated equipment would comprise:


Battery Site

  • 400 battery storage units – battery units arranged in rows around 7.5m in length, around 2.8m wide and around 3.1m in height;

  • Switchgear containers – around 20m in length, 3.5m wide and around 3.1m in height;

  • Inverters and transformers local to the batteries will be around 2.8m in length, 2.3m wide and 2.9m in height; and

  • 3 substations and substation equipment, with some elements being in the region of 11m in height. Further details are as follows:


Substation 1 (132kV)

  • Control room – around 11.4m in length, around 3.3m wide and around 3m in height;

  • 132kV transformers – around 11m in length, around 9m wide and around 5.7m in height;

  • Removable panels;

  • 132kv switch house enclosure - around 11m in length, around 15m wide and around 8.2m in height;

  • Auxiliary transformer – around 2.6m in length, around 2.5m wide and around 2.8m in height; and

  • Around 2.4m high palisade fence with secured access gate.


Substation 2 (132kV)

  • Control room – around 15.5m in length, around 3.3m wide and around 3m in height;

  • 132kV transformers – around 12m in length, around 9m wide and around 5.7m in height; 

  • Removable panels;

  • 132kv switch house enclosure - around 19m in length, around 15m wide and around 8.7m in height;

  • Auxiliary transformer – around 2.6m in length, around 2.5m wide and around 2.8m in height; and

  • Around 2.4m high palisade fence with secured access gate.


Substation 3 (400kV) to be developed by SPT

  • Auxiliary transformer around 15.1m in length, around 9.2m width and around 11.4m in height;

  • Customer control room around 2.5m in height; and

  • Around 3m high palisade fence.


Other Details

  • Landscape features around the site will include native trees and hedgerow planting; and

  • CCTV and light poles to be around 5m high.

Technical Plans


Site Location Plan


Elevations & Cross Sections 1

Red Line Boundary

Red Line Boundary


Elevations & Cross Sections 2


Site Layout Plan


Elevations & Cross Sections 3


Cut & Fill Site Levels 1


Cut & Fill Site Levels 2


Cut & Fill Site Levels 3


Cut & Fill Site Levels 4


132Kv Sub Station 1 - Plan View


132Kv Sub Station - 1  Elevations


132Kv Sub Station 2 - Plan View


132Kv Sub Station 2 - Elevations


400Kv Sub Station 3


Battery Containers




TX Arrangement


Customer Switchgear Container


Customer Control Room


Auxiliary Transformer


Palisade Fence


Existing Services

Consultation Boards

Consultation Boards

The consultation boards can be downloaded in pdf format here

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The comments period is now closed.

All comments were gratefully received by
5:30pm on 30th November 2023.


Application Documents

An application for the Braxbess Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Transformers, Substations and Associated Infrastructure was submitted under the Section 36 application process to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit on 19th January 2004, application reference number ECU00004993 and is a live application. 


The submitted application for the Braxbess BESS is comprehensive in its description and analysis of design, ecology, noise, heritage, landscape and transport features of the project. You can view the documents on the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit website at, application reference number ECU00004993 Braxbess BESS,


Or via link: Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details


The below documents have been submitted as part of the application and can be downloaded.


Submitted Drawing Package

  1. Topographical Survey ref. 15930;

  2. Site Location ref. 00-BRANXTON -101 Rev. N;

  3. Fill & Cut Levels ref. 00-BRANXTON -105 rev. E (sheets 1 to 4); 

  4. Site Cross Sections ref. 00-BRANXTON -106 rev. E (sheets 1 to 3);

  5. Fire Hydrant Cover ref. 00-BRANXTON -107 ref. F;

  6. Cable Route ref. 00-BRANXTON -108 rev. C;

  7. Site Layout ref. 00-BRANXTON -109 Rev. B;

  8. Battery Containers ref. 00-BRANXTON -301 rev. A;

  9. Invertor ref. 00-BRANXTON -302 rev. A;

  10. Transformer Arrangement ref. 00-BRANXTON -303 rev. A;

  11. Customer Switchgear Container ref. 00-BRANXTON -304 rev. A;

  12. Customer Control Room ref. 00-BRANXTON -305 rev. A;

  13. Auxiliary Transformer ref. 00-BRANXTON -306 rev. A;

  14. Unclimbable Palisade Fence ref. 00-BRANXTON -307 rev. B;

  15. 132kV Substations ref. 00-BRANXTON -309 rev. D (sheets 1 to 4);

  16. 400kV SPT Substation ref. 00-BRANXTON -310 rev. D;

  17. Water Storage Tank ref. 00-BRANXTON-312 rev. A;

  18. Pumping Station Container ref. 00-BRANXTON-313 rev. A;

  19. Existing Services ref. 00-BRANXTON – 401 Rev. E;

  20. Drainage ref. E12841 -8c;

  21. Levels ref. E12841 8c;

  22. Landscape Masterplan ref. P23-0093_EN_0001_S1 rev. B; and

  23. Landscape Masterplan ref. P23-0093_EN_0001_S2 rev. B.


Submitted Reports Package

  1. Covering Letter (Pegasus Group);

  2. Screening Opinion of the Scottish Ministers; 

  3. Planning, Design and Access Statement (Pegasus Group); 

  4. Landscape and Visual Assessment (Pegasus Group); 

  5. Archaeology and Built Heritage Assessment (Pegasus Group); 

  6. Construction Traffic Management Plan (Pegasus Group); 

  7. Flood Risk Assessment (Pegasus Group); 

  8. Drainage Statement (David R. Murray and Associates); 

  9. Pre-Application Consultation Report (Pegasus Group); 

  10. Habitats Regulations Appraisal (BSG Ecology); 

  11. Interim Ecological Impact Assessment Report (BSG Ecology); 

  12. Fire Strategy Report (ABL); and 

  13. Acoustic Design Specification (Ian Sharland).

Application Documents


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